Submitted by kBLASTER Team on
The kBLASTER database has been updated today with FDA 510(k) clearances from October 2017 and FDA 510(k) splash pages for 510(k)s clearances in November 2017. Saved Searches in a kBLASTER account that match data from today's imports into kBLASTER will see blue notification flags in an active kBLASTER account on those Saved Searches, as well as Alert email(s) regarding any match(es).
Leverage kBLASTER's result management features of sorting, My Favorites, Saved Search and Search History to find a primary predicate, multiple predicates or reference devices. Build a 510(k) clearance strategy by enabling self-service extraction of actionable insight from more than 68,000 FDA medical device 510(k) clearance summaries, plus nearly 77,000 splash pages, for nearly 145,000 records.